Wednesday, April 25, 2012

First draft of letter to priests about blessing

Here is the first draft of the letter.  Please give feedback on content and grammar.    Be honest!!I wanted to keep it short and I didn't want to make a recommendation of what to say unless they ask.  I figure the Holy Spirit will guide our priests in writing the blessing if they so choose to change it.  Thanks in advance for your help!

Dear Fathers,
I am writing this letter in regards to the annual blessing given to mothers on Mother's Day and fathers on Father's Day.  Over the past few years, I've become active in an online support group for Catholic women who are experiencing the cross of infertility.  While I myself have one child, I suffer from secondary infertility.  I'm in the unique position to receive the blessing and yet have a heavy heart for the children that are my heart's desire.   I also hear stories every year through this support group about how hard Mother's Day and Father's Day Mass is for those who are experiencing infertility, for those who have had miscarriages and for those who are single waiting to be married.  It's especially difficult when you are following the teachings of the church regarding sex and birth control, are open to life and for one reason or another are not able to conceive.  While many of the women and men I know  accept this cross and are open to God's will, the journey is hard and can be lonely.   It's even more painful when miscarriage is involved.  Would you prayerfully discern making the blessing more inclusive of all women and men in their unique vocation as mothers and fathers, including spiritual motherhood and fatherhood? The spirit of this letter is not meant to be one of complaint nor entitlement.  I am only attempting to bring to light a painful issue that can potentially marginalize the faithful.  I trust that whatever decision you make about the blessing will be in our best interest.  If you would like more information or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  Please know you are in my daily prayers!

God Bless You!

With love,

made for another world


  1. Crying! As soon as you feel it is ready, I will send it out to my pastor, former and current.


  2. Like it. Respectful, yet makes your point.

  3. I love it. Thank you for putting that together!

  4. I love this! I am not sure I could send it personally...but with your permission I'd like to use the bulk of it as an email from my office to all of the pastors in our diocese please?

  5. I have tears reading this.. Thank you so much for writing this letter. I have been dreading Mother's Day. It hurts so much when the priest requests all mothers to stand for the blessing. My heart breaks when I have to stand without any babies in my arms. I wish they wouldn't ask mothers to stand up but rather give the blessing to everyone including those who are waiting to be blessed with children.

  6. I am crying as well as I read this letter. Thank you for speaking for so many of us. During the Mother's Day blessings over the past 4 years, I always remind myself of the beautiful godchildren in my life and how blessed I am to be chosen to be their godmother. I often want to stand in honor of them. Thank you again for taking the time to do this. It had a major impact on me this morning.

  7. Great job. Wonderfully written and respectful in delivery of a critical message.

  8. Beautiful! I have no suggestions for change. Send it as is.

  9. This definitely brought tears to my eyes! I love it and think you did a great job!

  10. So well written! I'm glad you're doing this!

  11. Great job with the letter! Let us know how they respond.

  12. LOVE the letter! Would you mind if I took it and distributed it to my parish priests also? I hate to copy someone, but your letter is just that.darn.good!!!
