Current Symptoms:
- with each cycle, I seem to have more pain associated with my period (at first I thought it was cervical and now it's farther up)
- the pain isn't there the month after I've been on antibiotics (I've been on 2 rounds) but, returns the following month
- very, very tender breasts before period
- just this past cycle for the first time, I had intermittent brown bleeding before period
- just this past cycle for the first time, I had watery, pink discharge
- fatigue (improved after changed sleep habits but, still severe)
- poor mucus scores- improved greatly after three months of 500 mg slow release B6 but, now poor again after being off of the B6
Current medications and supplements:
- 300 mg of progesterone peak +3 through peak +12
- 600 mg of mucinex 2 times per day CD5 through peak +4
- multivitamin with copper and iron
- 30 mg of zinc daily
- 200 mg of Magnesium Glycinate daily
- 6,000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily
- 500 mg of Panthenic Acid daily
- Probiotic once a day
- 1000 mg of Omega 3 daily
- Advair inhaler
- Flonase nosespray
Dr. S's recommendations:
- 7.5 mg (not sure if it's mg- haven't received the prescription yet) of T3
- Go back on B6
- Antibiotic treatment for DH and I on days 1-10
- Anti inflammatory diet
- Doesn't think the progesterone is causing the the brown bleeding or watery, pink discharge
- these two things are new in my cycle and so is the progesterone
- I've had brown bleeding but usually not intermittent (one day of it, next day nothing)
- Future thoughts:
- pre-peak blood work
- discuss laproscopy and hysteroscopy
- see if there's endo and get a scraping to identify type of possible infection
I was absolutely over the moon about the T3. They are sending it from Mecca- Kubat's pharmacy. I am more excited about this than I should be. I am trying to temper my hope a bit regarding this being the 'it' drug for me. The anti-inflammatory diet hasn't sunk in yet- I've been very confused about diet lately and this just adds to the confusion. I've just recently made huge headway with weight loss and am not ready to rock the boat just yet. Maybe I'll tackle it in a few weeks when I get the T3 underway. The possible surgery totally floored me. I've always had very regular periods with no pain so this came as a huge surprise. I love my doctor because she as doesn't like "to take a shotgun approach." She was just letting me know what's going on in her mind. Peoria has a brand new NaPro surgeon and my doctor discussed my case with her. Even though I'm probably a candidate and I'm sure she is a great surgeon, I'm also aware that surgeons like to do surgery. It's definitely on the back burner but, the thought gave me that shaky feeling. I'm offering up the fear and anxiety for Jelly Belly. I am so incredibly thankful for all the medical posts I've read over the last two and a half years on these blogs. It gives me a frame of reference for what's going on and most importantly, it reminds me that I'm not alone. God Bless all of you.