Sunday, January 8, 2012

7 quick takes- Sunday edition

I just figured out that I can reply to comments on my blog through gmail. Duh!!! Just took 6 months to figure that out!

The super clean out of 2012 started off well and then hit a snag this weekend.  I did the 27 fling boogie each day on the garage and it's done!! Yay!  We can park a car in there now.  The garage isn't clean by any means, it's just picked up to get a car in there.  I don't have time to do the one hour of work this weekend because I totally overbooked myself.  I'm not happy with myself at all.  I have 3 social engagements.  Plus, I always have to work at school for at least a few hours so there goes all my time.  Hopefully, I will live and learn.  

I gave my maternity clothes to Goodwill.  Even if on the off chance I get pregnant, I'm not going to want to wear 11 year old maternity clothes anyway.  Even so, I was sad as I drove away.  

With the whole rythmn word I'm focusing on, I'm realizing how distracted I am and how hard it is for me to concentrate.  When I do finally get going on a task, I become super focused and it's hard for me to be flexible and stop or be interrupted.  This is good information for how to move forward even if I'm not sure how. 

I'm starting a laundry experiment that Lauren from Magnify the Lord suggested.  It's weird and goes against everything my mother taught me about laundering.  She would be appalled if I told her that I'm trying this.  You do a load a day of whatever everyone wore that day.  No separating.  Just one load of everything.  I just now got all caught up with the laundry so we are starting tonight.  I'll keep you updated.  

I am doing horrible with trying to be on time.  It's making me really anxious and frustrated because I'm late for nearly everything.  Not super late, no more than 15 minutes but, still, when you are trying to be on time an you are always even a few minutes late, it's frustrating.  I'm pretty sure it's related to #4 so if I can try to stop what I'm doing, it might help.  AAARRRRRGGGGG.  

My saint for the year is St. Roque Gonzalez de Santa Cruz and the little I know of him, I love him already.  He was a Jesuit martyr and I'm really interested in Ignatian spirituality so he is perfect for this year.  It doesn't seem like there is much info on  him so I'll have to do some hunting.  

Many of these quick takes could be expanded into posts.  I guess I have some blog post ideas ready!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Clean Up Time

Well ladies, 2011 was pretty good to me because the crushing fatigue that has plagued me for years has lifted.  One of the thyroid questionnaires asks you to name a percentage of how much you feel like a normal person.  My original answer was 40%.  I'd say now I'm about 85%.  I don't have crushing fatigue but, I don't have any get-up-and-go and my libido is in the toilet.  In addition to the fatigue, I do give into laziness when I'm overwhelmed.

 It's time to come clean.  Besides our living room, kitchen and bathroom, our home is a disaster.  The bedrooms aren't horrible but, they aren't good either.  My closet is a shambles.  AJs room is bursting at the seams.  Guitar mans closet is despicable.  The linen closet, oh my.  Our basement is unbearable.  We have a laundry room, playroom, office and storage room down there.  They are dirty and disorganized.  I am super embarrassed when anyone has to go down there.  I have so many gifts to put away but, there really isn't any place to put them.

The other thing I really struggle with is being on time.  I have all my life.  I come from a family of late people.  The lateness stems from trying to do to much and not being able to prioritize or stop what I'm doing. word for 2012 is


Rhythm to me means:

living in the moment
moving forward
being positive
good timing
awareness of time
respect of time
learning from mistakes, not dwelling on them

To start, I'm targeting areas to organize and clean.  I'll do the following until I get through the house:

Flylady's 27 fling boogie each day
1 hour on the weekend
1 day per month (4-6 hours)

The areas I'll work on are:

Christmas decorations
nursery- we call it that even though it's an office :(
linen closet and vanity
guitar man's closet
laundry room
storage room
Guitar Man's office

I'm just going to organize and clean.  I'll worry about decorating over the summer.  This will probably take all year with Guitar Man's office and the storage room taking the lion's share of the time.  I'd like to take before and after pics to document my progress.  I come from a very clean family and I love things to be neat and clean so this is a burden for me and a source of embarrassment.  But I don't want to feel overwhelmed about this or it won't get done.  My goal is to look at each area in a very detached manner so I'm able to work in a rhythm.

As I was reading this over, it looks like Guitar Man doesn't do his fair share and believe me, he does.  He does all the bills, the grocery shopping and the yard.  He also does crisis management when when things get out of control which is why our main living spaces are organized and clean so we can live comfortably and have guests over.  He also fills our home with play, laughter and music.  We are going to work together on this, but I'm the manager and he's the assistant ;)

Now I have to figure out the time thing... any suggestions?

Dear Jesus, you want me to live an ordered life.  You've healed my body to a point where I can now take care of the material gifts you have given me.  Please help me remain calm and focused on you while I'm finding my rhythm.  Thank Dear Jesus for giving me my health and my home.  I love you.